Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'm Harry Pot-ter, Harry Harry Pot-ter

So I work out now. All of the time. And I'm pretty dang proud of myself for doing it. It took a really long time to find my stride, but I think I've done it, thanks to a unique combination of timing and distractions.

I wake up, eat something, wait an hour. Then, without really thinking about it, I put on gym clothes, grab my gym bag and just get there. It's the getting there part that helps, because once I'm there, I feel stupid if I drive back, like it was a waste of time.

Now onto the real key to gym success: that darn wizard (and one of my biggest obsessions), Harry Potter. I started re-reading the series, and lo and behold: the font is big enough so that I can read on the elliptical without getting dizzy. As an added bonus, re-reading JK Rowling's masterpieces helps me to study her writing with the eye of a writing student. Analyzing each sentence for its structure, the paragraphs and scenes. It's a workout for the brain as well as the mind.

And before I know it, I've just done half an hour on the elliptical. Thank you, once again, for your genius, JK.

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